3 Ways to Stand in Your Power

According to best-selling author Debbie Ford “when we’re stuck in the pattern of people-pleasing, we do not have access to making clear choices. We are driven to fulfill others’ needs in order to be loved. In order to stand in our power, we must have the option of saying no. We have to be willing to give up the need for others’ approval and give up our need to make others happy. The truth is that not everyone will like us and it’s not our job to make others happy — just as it isn’t the job of others to make us happy.”

“It’s so easy to give our power away to oblige our partners or console our families. But if the choices we make rob us of too much of our private time, if they deprive us of our joy or our inner peace or prevent us from expressing our creative gifts, then ultimately they are violations we are perpetrating against our own souls. These violations do not affect just us in negative ways they affect all those around us.”

Stand in Your Power

  1. Do not forsake your own needs for another! Caring for another is different from pleasing another. When you genuinely care for someone, your actions take no effort. Pleasing another is giving your power away to that person. You do not feel good about your actions; resentment settles upon you. In order to care for another, you must care for yourself first!
  2. Make waves and speak your mind. Napoleon Hill said “opinions are the cheapest commodities on earth.” You have a right to speak your mind. Do not stay silent. Your thoughts and ideas can make a great contribution to society. Who knows, you may have the solution to a problem that a family, friend, or employer has been waiting for!
  3. Let go of guilt, feeling obligated, and the words “should and have.” Guilt can eat at you and cause tremendous stress. If you are going to help another, do so because you want to be of service. Feeling obligated to do something will not serve you or another!

In conclusion, ask yourself if you are standing in your power or trying to please another. Reclaim your power and life today! Parents, grandparents, former teachers, and others mean well, but do not realize how their words and actions will impact your adult life. Let go of old beliefs that you picked up from childhood which are not serving you today. As an adult, you have the right to change your thoughts, beliefs, and life. Live in the now and leave the past in the past!

Stop! Proceed With Caution to the Self-Help Book Section

Many people are searching for spirituality and ways to transform their lives. They purchase every self-help book that sits on the bookshelves of Barnes and Noble and the local bookstore such as Changing Hands Bookstore.

Please be cautious when reading books by people such as Dr. Dyer, Ekchart Tolle, Deepak Chopra, and other “spiritual, transformation gurus.” They offer good advice, but take it with a grain of salt! Meaning: do not take the information too seriously. These people are not God and do not know everything there is to know about life. What works for some people may not work for all people. It’s not a “one-size fits all” transformation process.

Taking the words of someone, no matter how many degrees they hold, lectures they give, and radio shows they do can be dangerous. Those who buy into these self-help books with their “heart and soul” are in danger of losing their identity and could make their life worse.

For example, those who are people-pleasers may be working on identifying why they are people-pleasers and how to stop. Dr. Dyer, who is often heard quoting Lao Tzu and the Wisdom of the Tao, is famous for telling people that the only thing that matters is service to others. People-pleasers may interpret his information as “I don’t matter, it’s not about me, it’s about doing for other people and not myself.” How healthy are these messages being sent to people who may be people-pleasers? Of course, Dr. Dyer has no idea what types of people are reading his books or does he?

Too bad self-help books do not come with warning labels like the ones found on CDs. Some CDs have parental warnings stating that the lyrics are explicit. Self-help books could have warning labels such as the “words in this book are the opinions of the author.” For further information on the topic, see the bibliography, research, and draw your own conclusion.

7 Ways to Break Free of Attachment in Your Life!

Many people are consumed by their thoughts and are too attached to things and people! To break free from your thoughts, practice meditation each day. Meditate in the morning and at night for 10 minutes. That’s all you need. When you become comfortable with meditation, you can increase your sessions to 30 minutes. For more information, visit the Meditation Expert.

In his book “A New Earth,” Eckhart Tolle describes “how our attachment to the ego creates the dysfunction that leads to anger, jealously, and unhappiness.” Awaken now and follow your path to a more fulfilling life!

7 Ways to Break Free

  1. Meditate each day.
  2. Live in the NOW! Stay out of the past and future.
  3. Practice yoga.
  4. Walk in nature.
  5. Take 10 deep breaths.
  6. Give to others.
  7. Have an Attitude of Gratitude!

Links to Freedom!

Visit Barnes and Noble and pickup your copy of a “A New Earth” and “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle.

Inspirational books, audios, kits, and gifts from Hay House. You will find authors such as Doreen Virtue, Sonia Choquette, Peggy McColl, and many others.

Shalom Place. Learn the four “R’s” of breaking free.

Buddhism. A personal website that shares information on the philosophy, practice, and history of Buddhism.

The Secret Healing Power of Pets

Oprah’s Soul Series can be the first step you take to begin your journey of personal transformation. Each week, Oprah will sit down with leaders in the area of spiritual thinking. Various spiritual teachers and authors share their insights about matters of the soul. Oprah shares her own insights into her own life with listeners who are encouraged to “reflect on their own spiritual journeys.

Recently, Oprah sat down with Eckhart Tolle author of “The Power of Now” and “A New Earth,” to speak about “the power of living in the moment and about discovering your life’s purpose.” Eckhart mentioned how millions of people love their pets. He said this “is the only area where people realize they can relate and communicate to another being and that being is not judging them.” Pets will love you unconditionally. Eckhart is correct, pets love you know matter your circumstance or look. It does not matter if you are tall, short, thin, or fat. Your race and religion is not a factor. Whether you are rich and famous or not so rich and famous is of no concern to your pet. The list is endless. A pet is one the greatest and truest friends a person can have.

According to Tolle “people communicate and relate to their pets and experience a sense of freedom because they are not being judged. Animals are at a state prior to thinking; they are a simple, natural presence. When a human being is there, the human has moved beyond thinking and that’s the state of awareness. Both states are free of definitions and judgments.” Isn’t this the truth!

When we are with our pets we can be ourselves. No need to “wear a mask” or “false persona” to win over your pet. You do not have to flaunt how many degrees you hold, the kind of car you drive, or that you live in a multi-million dollar home. Of course, there is no reason that you have to do any of those things when you are around people. You could choose to be yourself. But, the ego likes to make its presence known.

Alas, in the end it does not matter how many material things you possess or how many times your written work was published. All of the egos out there are in for one rude awakening! Make a decision today to experience your awakening sooner than later. To purchase Eckhart Tolle’s “A New Earth” or “The Power of Now” visit Barnes and Noble. Purchase a copy today, start living tomorrow. While you’re at it, you may want to show your pet how much you love him or her by visiting Only Natural Pet Store. Fido may not need a new toy, but perhaps an all natural diet will benefit him!