7 Ways to Break Free of Attachment in Your Life!

Many people are consumed by their thoughts and are too attached to things and people! To break free from your thoughts, practice meditation each day. Meditate in the morning and at night for 10 minutes. That’s all you need. When you become comfortable with meditation, you can increase your sessions to 30 minutes. For more information, visit the Meditation Expert.

In his book “A New Earth,” Eckhart Tolle describes “how our attachment to the ego creates the dysfunction that leads to anger, jealously, and unhappiness.” Awaken now and follow your path to a more fulfilling life!

7 Ways to Break Free

  1. Meditate each day.
  2. Live in the NOW! Stay out of the past and future.
  3. Practice yoga.
  4. Walk in nature.
  5. Take 10 deep breaths.
  6. Give to others.
  7. Have an Attitude of Gratitude!

Links to Freedom!

Visit Barnes and Noble and pickup your copy of a “A New Earth” and “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle.

Inspirational books, audios, kits, and gifts from Hay House. You will find authors such as Doreen Virtue, Sonia Choquette, Peggy McColl, and many others.

Shalom Place. Learn the four “R’s” of breaking free.

Buddhism. A personal website that shares information on the philosophy, practice, and history of Buddhism.