How “The Good Place” Exposes the Realities of Life from the Afterlife

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If you’re like me and listen and watch YouTube videos, you’ll sometimes get video suggestions that pique your interest.

This happened to me, and I didn’t expect a video from former race car driver Danica Patrick to appear in my feed. She’s joined the conspiracy or truther community. Who knew?

I don’t know much about Danica, but I was curious and listened to a video of hers that featured a woman who talked about:

  • How we’re living in a simulation (she used to play the SIMS game).

Note: There are three aspects to you in “The Matrix”: a character, a player, and a programmer. You want to move to the last stage because it’s how you create your reality, a.k.a. your life.

  • The evil reptilians and their agenda and how they’re attempting “Hail Mary” plays (a wink and nod to the Catholic Church and U.S. football) to stay in and control “The Game.”
  • Polarization, a.k.a. good and bad.
  • And other topics.

During the interview, Danica mentioned the T.V. show, “The Good Place,” which got my attention. Why? Because I started watching it last year but couldn’t get into it. Naturally, I forgot about it. But since I heard about “The Good Place” again, I’ve decided to watch the show on Netflix. It explains how “The Matrix” works and how you can avoid its traps.

Oh, and spoiler alert.

“The Good Place” is really “The Bad Place,” where bad or not-so-good humans go when they die only to be tortured by each other. Huh. Doesn’t that sound familiar?

Keep reading how to navigate the good/bad place and take your game to the next level.

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The Matrix Resurrections – Your Guide to Deprogramming Yourself

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I watched what is supposed to be the last installment of The Matrix movie franchise: The Matrix Resurrections, which was released in December 2021. This isn’t surprising for many reasons, such as the winter solstice and Christmas.

Anyway, my note-taking during The Matrix Resurrections led me to have many “Aha” moments. In fact, curiosity got the best of me and I looked up the movie’s popularity score (may change over time) on IMBd: it’s 666. What are the odds of that?

What’s interesting is that it took me longer than I thought it would to watch The Matrix Resurrections. Whenever I heard about it on a podcast or caught a glimpse of the movie’s name, a resistance formed within me. This may have happened for a myriad of reasons, including:

  • My altars didn’t want me to watch the movie.
  • I wasn’t ready to receive the information.
  • My bias for sequels and prequels blocked me from watching the movie.

Fortunately, I ignored the resistance and rented The Matrix Resurrections.

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The Illusion of Community: Navigating the Dynamics of Change

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Communities become anchors and illusions in exploring human connection, promising stability in an ever-changing world.

A community promises shared values, common goals, and stability in an ever-changing world. However, as you explore the intricacies of building a community, you may begin to question the very nature of this construct.

As you dive further into community dynamics, you uncover transient connections and acknowledge change as ever-present. From shared values forming bonds to community fragility amid individual growth, this journey reveals nuanced interplay.

Given the constant and inevitable force of change, is the sense of community merely an illusion?

Let’s find out!

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Boundary Setting: Nurturing Healthy Relationships Through Personal Limits

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In the intricate dance of human interactions, boundaries act as essential guideposts that define the limits of your comfort, autonomy, and emotional well-being. Boundary setting is the conscious process of establishing and maintaining these limits to ensure healthy relationships and a sense of self-respect.

This article examines the multifaceted realm of boundary setting, exploring:

  • Why people cross boundaries.
  • The impact of narcissists on boundary dynamics.
  • Various boundary types.
  • Examples of healthy and unhealthy boundaries.
  • Boundary crossing instances.
  • The transition from unhealthy boundaries to abuse.
  • The necessity of boundaries in relationships.
  • And practical methods for establishing and preserving robust boundaries.
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