How “The Good Place” Exposes the Realities of Life from the Afterlife

< Table of Contents >

If you’re like me and listen and watch YouTube videos, you’ll sometimes get video suggestions that pique your interest.

This happened to me, and I didn’t expect a video from former race car driver Danica Patrick to appear in my feed. She’s joined the conspiracy or truther community. Who knew?

I don’t know much about Danica, but I was curious and listened to a video of hers that featured a woman who talked about:

  • How we’re living in a simulation (she used to play the SIMS game).

Note: There are three aspects to you in “The Matrix”: a character, a player, and a programmer. You want to move to the last stage because it’s how you create your reality, a.k.a. your life.

  • The evil reptilians and their agenda and how they’re attempting “Hail Mary” plays (a wink and nod to the Catholic Church and U.S. football) to stay in and control “The Game.”
  • Polarization, a.k.a. good and bad.
  • And other topics.

During the interview, Danica mentioned the T.V. show, “The Good Place,” which got my attention. Why? Because I started watching it last year but couldn’t get into it. Naturally, I forgot about it. But since I heard about “The Good Place” again, I’ve decided to watch the show on Netflix. It explains how “The Matrix” works and how you can avoid its traps.

Oh, and spoiler alert.

“The Good Place” is really “The Bad Place,” where bad or not-so-good humans go when they die only to be tortured by each other. Huh. Doesn’t that sound familiar?

Keep reading how to navigate the good/bad place and take your game to the next level.

< Key Takeaways >

  • Everything may not be as it seems. Question what you think you know and uncover what you may not know.
  • Polarization can cripple you. Learn to become and stay neutral and look at things from all angles.
  • Things about this world are hidden in plain sight. Keep your physical eyes and ears open and develop your spiritual eyes and ears so that you can see beyond what is around you.
  • Become the architect of your life by taking your power and sovereignty back. If you don’t, someone else will rule over your life.

What is “The Good Place?”

As I’ve mentioned, The Good Place” is the bad place where bad or not-so-good humans are sent to be tortured by demons, both inner and outer.

Michael, a demon and the architect (played by Ted Danson) of the “good place,” came up with the idea because the old ways of torturing humans were getting old. See that? Even demons get bored with their jobs. 

Note: Michael is based on the ever-popular Archangel Michael. Huh? Maybe he is a demon in disguise. I’ve heard that Archangels aren’t what we think they are—that they’re from the Bird Tribe. But who knows for certain.

Michael breaks protocol, and he, along with the demons pretending to be humans (doesn’t that sound familiar?), lives in the neighborhood he designed for the humans sent there. For some reason, there are multiple frozen yogurt shops, along with:

  • Restaurants, including a pizza place (shocker).
  • A coffee shop (shocker)
  • And other comforts humans enjoyed while they were living in 3D Land. 

There are also disparities, such as housing. Some humans live in mansions, while others live in humble or unusual dwellings.

Who are the Humans in The Good Place?

The humans in “The Good Place” are:

  • Eleanor: A deceased, selfish American pharmaceutical saleswoman from Phoenix, Arizona who emancipated herself from her deadbeat parents at a young age. Because she was her parent and raised herself, she looks out for number one.
  • Chidi: A deceased French-speaking Nigerian-Senegalese professor of ethics and moral philosophy whose indecisiveness tortured him and everyone in his life when he was alive.
  • Tahani: A deceased wealthy Pakistani Brit philanthropist and fashion model who desperately sought the love and approval of her parents, who favored her younger sister, Kamilah. She becomes friends with Eleanor, who dislikes her positive attitude, condescending way of speaking and name-dropping.
  • Jason: A deceased Filipino American who lived in Jacksonville, Florida, and desperately wanted to be a famous and rich D.J., but he was a drug dealer. He fills in for Acidrat, a popular D.J., but blows the opportunity because he wants the crowd to know it’s him spinning the music. The crowd turns on him, and Acidrat fires him.
  • Janet: A programmed guide with a foundational mainframe across the “Good and Bad” places. She’s the primary source of information and provides the residents with whatever they want. As the series progresses, Janet gains more humanlike qualities and acts less robotic. Spoiler alert! She and Jason marry in an episode because she was nice to him.

During one episode, Eleanor mentions Tempe and Avondale, Arizona. I almost fell off my couch when the latter was mentioned because it’s where my Arizona Trip from Hell took place. This almost happened again when Jacksonville, Florida, was mentioned because I’m considering moving from Arizona to Florida, and Jacksonville is on my list of cities. I have much to consider.

Are There Soulmates in The Good Place?

Yes, humans have soulmates in “The Good Place,” except they aren’t.

Soulmates in “The Good Place” are different from how we’re taught about them. Most be(lie)ve soulmates are romantic, but they don’t have to be. For instance, Eleanor and Chidi are put together. To reiterate, she’s a selfish American who sold bogus supplements to senior citizens and he’s an ethics and moral philosophy professor. You must love the irony!

And then there’s Tahani and Jason.

She believes he’s a Taiwanese Buddhist monk but finds out otherwise. It makes sense that they were paired because Tahini’s philanthropy was a sham; she didn’t care about helping this or that cause. Tahani wanted to be in the limelight like her sister and get her parent’s approval. Tahani, like Jason, pretended to be something she wasn’t.

The Horror and Torture of it All

Throughout season one of “The Good Place,” the humans torture each other in various ways. For instance, Eleanor knows she doesn’t belong in the “good place” and does things out of selfishness to prove she does belong. This wreaks havoc on the neighborhood, and the humans try to figure out who caused the mayhem. Of course, Michael and the other demons know the real deal.

Long story short.

Eleanor’s actions caused giant shrimp to fly through the air (Eleanor took shrimp from Tahini’s party), garbage to drop from the sky, and a huge sinkhole to open up in the neighborhood. Doesn’t this sound familiar? How our actions and words can wreak havoc in our lives, and how the actions and words of others can do that same?

Toward the end of season one, Eleanor figures out that she and the other humans are in the “bad place.” Because of this, Michael’s memory wipes the humans and attempts to recreate a better, stronger “good place” where the torture can continue for thousands of years.

Unfortunately for Michael, he fails numerous times because the humans keep figuring out that they’re in the “bad place.” It’s torture for Michael because he must prove to his boss, Shawn, that his concept will work. If not, they will retire him, which isn’t as good as it sounds. Michael will be ripped apart, burned, etc. Ah. More torture. One of the themes in “The Matrix.”

Hidden in Plain Sight

I’ve heard and read that the “architects” of “The Matrix” must tell us what they’re doing because of karma and that if we ignore (fill in the blank), it’s our fault.

Sidebar: Someone said that karma does not exist and only does if you be(lie)ve it does and that some E.T.s be(lie)ve in karma. Who knows for sure? The bottom line is to think before you do or say something because you may regret it for many reasons, including having guilt and shame that may eat you alive!

If “they” must tell us what they’re doing, then “The Good Place” gets the job done. But let’s be honest. If most beings living in 3D Land are NPCs and aren’t sentient, or if they have a slight spark and are waking up, how long will it take to change 3D Land for the better? Ascension, progress, whatever you want, is taking its sweet old time.

And let’s remember the inversion.

The humans think they’re in the “good place” but are actually in the “bad place.” See that. Somebody may have proven the concept of inversion. It’s where up is down and down is up; east is west, west is east, and good is bad, and bad is good (this is also polarizing).

Of course, “The Good Place” mentions celebrities (are they clones, NPCs, or a real-spirited, sparks of beings?), numbers, and symbols, such as:

  • Ariana Grande.
  • Beyonce.
  • Mark Zuckerberg.
  • The numbers three and give.
  • Rainbows.
  • The colors blue and yellow.

A note about the colors blue and yellow: When mayhem ensues because of Eleanor’s actions, all of the residents, except her, wear yellow-colored clothes with navy zig-zags on them.

At one point, “The Good Place” residents learned how to fly. Wouldn’t it be great if we could fly? Or remember that we can fly? Traveling would be easier and more fun! Of course, I suggest only flying for day trips. You want to avoid carrying a suitcase or backpack, don’t you?

What Place Do You Want to be in?

“The Good Place” isn’t a bad series (see what I did there), and I’ve had many “Aha moments.” Furthermore, I can’t be(lie)ve what has been mentioned, which resonates with me or pertains to me.

For example, Cleveland, Ohio, and The Rock N’ Roll Hall of Fame were featured in dialogue in a scene. I was born and raised in Northeast Ohio, hung out and worked in Cleveland, and visited the Rock Hall several times.

What are the odds that somebody wrote the city and The Rock N’ Roll Hall of Fame in a line of dialogue? Perhaps these, along with the mentions of Arizona and Florida, are why the YouTube algorithms showed me a video from Danica Patrick—to get me to watch “The Good Place” so that I could hear and see certain things.

As for what place I want to be in, I prefer it to be somewhere that isn’t so polarizing, where things are neither good nor bad—they just are, or there’s a shade of gray.

Of course, I could choose this now, but it’s easier said than done because I, like you, have been ‘programmed’ to see things as good or bad, etc. I can say that I have ‘more work to do’ on reprogramming myself, but it’s a choice to look past polarization or not. I guess it’s progress to realize this.

Become the Architect of Your Life

I’m still watching “The Good Place” and am curious to learn how the series ends; I haven’t read any spoilers.

“The Good Place” has reinforced that someone else will be the architect of my life I am not. So, instead of giving another being or group of beings’ full reign over me, I’ve declared my sovereignty (once again) and will continue to take back my power.

Furthermore, when something unfavorable happens, I’ll remain calm and neutral and respond with dignity and grace, knowing that “they” are trying to get me to react. And if I do, it can wreak havoc on my frequency and vibration, affect others, and cause a ripple effect throughout this world and perhaps other worlds, dimensions, etc. You never know!

If you haven’t watched “The Good Place,” you may want to check out a few episodes (it’s on Netflix and may be available on Peacock) to see what resonates with you, including which ‘character’ you may be like. Or maybe you’re a combination of them. After all, most of us are multi-dimensional beings.

So, like me, I hope you take your power and sovereignty back and continue to deprogram and liberate yourself from “The Matrix.” Let’s fully commit to becoming the architect of our lives and change our timelines and the collective timeline if there is one. What can I say? I’m suspicious of the “we are one” mantra. But that’s another article.