Man Discovers 4 Golden Ways to Control the Mind

There are many books on the Law of Attraction. It all started with a little book called The Secret. Since the book and DVD came out, there have been many other books to pop-up in bookstores everywhere. This is not a new topic. Many people such as Napoleon Hill, Charles Haanel, and others wrote about the same topic approximately 70 years ago!

The world can be a topsy-turvy place to live, especially for those who feel they’ve been dropped onto planet Earth! With so much that happens in our lives on a daily basis, it’s no wonder the world is so chaotic. If it’s true that thoughts become things and we are all part of the collective consciousness, it’s no wonder that we’ve become disconnected from one another.

Each of us has their own life to lead, but the decisions we make effect all of mankind. It’s the simple law known as cause and effect which states that the “universe is energy and everything is connected.” Remember that old saying, “you get what you give out.”

Controlling ones thoughts, henceforth, mind control can be done. Learn to use your intellect versus your emotions; you’ll be better off when the time comes to make decisions in your life.

4 Golden Rules of Mind Control

  1. Meditate. Did you know that meditating for 15 minutes each day can do wonders for your mind, body, and spirit? This is a great way to gain clarity.
  2. Do yoga. This ancient practice can help you to reclaim your mind. It will help you to align your body with your spirit. Practicing yoga will strengthen your core muscles and allow you to re-center yourself.
  3. Take responsibility for your thoughts. This can be difficult at first, especially when the average person thinks thousands of thoughts per day. Notice what you’re thinking at any given moment. Are the thoughts positive or negative? Do they revolve around family, work, finances, society, or friends? You may want to hire a life coach to help you to get to the root of issues in your life.
  4. Practice deep breathing exercises. These can be done while sitting down or standing up. Cleansing breaths are proven to be effective to aid in the flow of blood, increases digestion, improves the health of the nervous system, and much more!

    The next time you go to the grocery store — smile at everyone you see while thinking of a happy thought; it could be of a vacation you took, your kids, the fact that you just received a raise; anything that makes you feel happy. Observe peoples reaction to you. You may be surprised on how pleasant people can be.

    The next day, go somewhere else and do the opposite, be in a bad mood but not nasty! Watch how people react to you. You’ll be amazed at the results. After you do this test, make sure to clear your energy. This is why meditating and deep breathing exercises are very useful. Also, drink plenty of water. Many people believe that water is a good way to rid the body of toxins such as negative energy – it’s not just for flushing the fat out of your system!

    We do have the power to choose our thoughts on a daily basis. People often seek the answer to happiness. The answer is this: just be happy — choose to be happy. It’s that simple. You have a choice to be either happy or sad.

    Sometimes, we create unnecessary dramas in our lives that would give William Shakespeare a run for his money. Many people do this because it makes them feel alive. Others do it because it’s what they’ve been doing — it’s what is familiar and comfortable. Make the decision today to gain control over your mind, tomorrow live a better life!