10 Life Hack Commandments to Use Every Day

Happy New Year!

It’s 2014 and everyone gets a “do over.”

You get to wipe the slate clean, start over and live a better life.

Of course, you can create and set goals. For example, my goal is to post more frequently on MisticCafe. I kind of took a break because I’ve been developing my writer’ website and writing projects. However, I want to get back to writing consistently for MisticCafe.

While I was meditating, I had the idea of “Life Hack Commandments” pop into my head. I told myself to remember the idea so I could write it down later.


Without further ado, here are 10 life hack commandments you can use every day. I created an infographic for you to download.

Let’s make 2014 a fantastic year. Just take one day at a time and enjoy the present moment.

10 Life Hack Commandments to Use Every Day

life hack, life hack commandments, personal development, spiritual laws

Over to you. What other Life Hack Commandments would you add to the list? Let me know in the comments below.

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