How to Focus Your Mind and Outsmart Poverty

Question: How do you focus your mind and outsmart a poverty consciousness? What is a bottom-line approach? So many programs drone on and on with detail after detail. There has to be a better way to outsmart a poverty consciousness.

Answer: Start focusing on you and your life. Stop thinking you can’t have a wealth consciousness; stop thinking that you’re responsible for everyone. You’re not! You are solely responsible for you and your happiness. No one can ‘get’ this for you. You must want it bad enough to erase the beliefs and thoughts that were spoken over you as a child.

What do you truly want for your life? Write it down — be clear about it. Also, stop asking unsuccessful people for their opinions and thoughts on your desires. Most peoples’ minds are switched and hooked into the ‘poverty’ mindset. You won’t get far if you continue to ask others about ‘this or that.’

How to Focus Your Mind and Outsmart Poverty 

1. Get SUPER clear about what you want. What do you want? Can you visualize it? If not, can you find pictures of what you desire? Write down what you want and visualize everything the best you can. However, don’t become consumed by your desires — let them go. You can add, “This or something better for my highest good and the good of all.” Smile about your desires and know that you can have what you desire.

FYI: Most people really want love, peace and happiness. Material items are just that — they’re material.

2. Stop listening to the dogma of others. Steve Jobs was right, “Don’t listen to the dogma of others.” Stop taking advice from unsuccessful people. Surround yourself with successful people and you will be successful. Stop asking for permission from your spouse, mother, father, boss, cousins, aunts, uncles, etc. and live your life for you.

3. Toss out duty and obligation. There’s no law that says you MUST follow in the footsteps of your parents. There’s no law that says you MUST ALWAYS say “Yes” when you want to save “No.” You have a duty and obligation to yourself to live a happy and fulfilled life. Stop worrying about everyone else and start worrying that your life is passing you by like an out-of-control train. You don’t always have to help others. In fact, you could be doing more harm than good. If you keep helping people out, how will they ever learn to help themselves? It’s something to think about.

4. Start focusing on abundance. If you’re like most people, your mind is tuned to the “All Poverty 24-Hour Station” which is holding you in a place of lack. Start to recognize the abundance around such as ample trees, the yards of green grass, etc. You won’t and can’t attract abundance if you constantly focus on lack.

5. Stop hanging around with poverty conscious people. Like it or not, your family could be sucking the life out of you. You have every right NOT to hang around with these people. This may seem harsh but if you truly want to outsmart poverty it’s time to reevaluate your connections such as family and friends. How are they contributing to your success? Are they contributing to your success? Do they whine and complain? Do they blame their parents, the government and economy and other outside influences? It’s time to get your ‘personal house’ in order. It’s time to be truly honest and to let the people in your life go if they’re not healthy to be around.

Napoleon Hill’s book Outwitting the Devil is a MUST READ for anyone who wants to overcome a poverty conscious. It’s one the most thought-provoking books of its time. Even though it was written in 1938, it certainly applies to the 21st century. It’s a bottom-line approach to getting to the root of poverty conscious. Like it or not, self-examination is required. If you’re not willing to do the work from the inside out then you’ll still be stuck in your poverty consciousness. If you have children, you may want to take responsibility for your life, get clean and rid yourself of poverty consciousness once and for all.

Key Terms

1. Dogma

2. Napoleon Hill Foundation

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