7 Ways The Bible Influences You Today

Power, lust, greed, sex, gluttony, laziness, and war.

Forget about reading Fifty Shades of Grey just read The Bible or watch it on The History Channel!

Roma Downey (Touched by an Angel) and reality show mogul Mark Burnett (Survivor, The Amazing Race) produce The Bible, and have brought viewers what is being called, “The Bible for today’s generation.” They’re not kidding.

Today, children are growing up with more wars than their parents and grandparents. Sex and violence are prevalent in TV shows, video games, and movies. The internet can be a dangerous place kids because you don’t really know who’s lurking on websites and from where. And most kids are becoming desensitized to all of this.

Can we trace power, lust, greed, sex, gluttony, laziness, and war back to The Bible? Sure we can. Here’s how The Bible influences you without you knowing it. [Read more…]

What is Woundology?

Question: I just discovered Caroline Myss and she used the term ‘woundology’ in her presentation “Why People Don’t Heal?” What does woundology mean? How can you permanently heal your wounds? I’d like to heal my wounds once and for all. I journal, meditate, listen to podcasts, burn incense and sage, etc. and nothing seems to work. Help!

Answer: Woundology means you use your wounds — you cling to your wounds. According to Caroline Myss, “Woundology is a very expensive habit to keep a wound alive. The energy comes out of your system, your cell system.” According to the Halexandria Foundation, “Woundology is also a form of scapegoatology which means outside events and others are blamed for what a wounded person experiences.” We have the power to heal from our wounds; however, to do so, means we must give up ‘being right’ for being happy.

When you carry your problems with you everywhere you go, you’re practicing the art of woundology. For example, have you ever met someone who’s told you their life story in a matter of minutes? They were practicing woundology. However, the person believes they’re sharing their life’s story. They can’t see what they’re truly doing. Let’s face it; we’ve all done this at one point or have done this. I have and now realize the error of my way. Now, wonder I’ve been feeling stuck in a funk for the past year (or more).

FYI: Some experts believe woundology is a form of addiction. Instead of being addicted to drugs and alcohol, gambling, smoking, being right, attention, people pleasing, being a rescuer or victim, food, sex, the internet, movies and television, working out, shopping, relationships, traveling, etc. people are addicted to their pain.

Recognize and heal your wounds today by getting in touch with your emotions and exploring them. The next time you’re tempted to share your life’s story with someone, ask yourself a few questions such as:

  • Why am I doing this?
  • What do I get from this?
  • What’s motivating me to share my story?

Woundology is a way to control and manipulate the people around you. It’s a way to get their attention or for them to rescue you. The truth is you can only rescue and save you. If you wait for others to do it, you’ll be waiting for a long time. Life will pass you by and you’ll be left wondering, “Where did my life go?” However, you can heal your wounds today, and tomorrow life will be easier and happier.

7 Ways Hoarding Buries You Alive

Peter Pack Rat

Image via Wikipedia

Are you a pack-rat? What about a hoarder? Does your heart race when you see people throw out newspapers, magazines, or old furniture?  Do you have material items from the 1980s or 1960s? Have you sold your house but still haven’t completely moved out? If any of this sounds like you, hoarding could bury you alive.

Hoarding is serious and shouldn’t be taken lightly. People have issues with hoarding for many reasons. For example, those who grew up during the depression tend to be hoarders and or pack rats. They hold onto to material items and stuff refrigerators, freezers, and pantries with food because they fear not having enough. There is truly enough.

On a personal note, my father (deceased) and a few of my ‘older’ relatives are/were pack rats. They can’t and won’t throw anything out such as string, nails, dishes, old newspapers, containers, etc. because they believe something could be used at a later date. My father would leave his birthday and Christmas gifts in the box with the wrapping paper still on it; the tissue paper still in the box. He believed the wrapping and tissue paper could be reused, even though my mom would buy new wrapping paper every year (sales). My mom eventually stopped by new wrapping paper.

7 Ways Hoarding Buries You Alive

1. Strains family and other relationships.

2. No one wants to come over to see you; you become isolated.

3. Your home begins to smell from rotten food and or animal feces — it becomes unsanitary and unsafe.

4. If you hoard animals, you do them more harm than good. Animal control will remove the animals. Some of them will be euthanized; others will be placed in foster homes to be nursed back to health. Healthy animals go up for adoption straightaway. It’s not fair to the helpless animals.

5. You feel you need to acquire more and keep accumulating stuff.

6. You become angry and bitter because the people who love you want to help — they want you to change. But you can’t admit you have a problem; therefore, don’t want to change.

7. You’re setting your children and or grandchildren up for a life of hoarding. Remember, children learn from the actions and words of the adults in their lives. They could grow up to ‘mimic’ your hoarding habits. Do you really want that life for them? How would it benefit them? How would they live a happy, healthy life as a hoarder?

If you or someone you know suffers from hoarding, please get help. There’s no shame in hoarding — all of us have had to face something in our lives. Admitting you need help is the first step. If the people who love you want and offer help, take it. You’re very lucky to have people who love and care about you. They want you to live a happy, fulfilled life — you deserve to live a happy, fulfilled life.


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3 Foods That Can Affect Your Mood

Fruit on display at La Boqueria market in Barc...

Image via Wikipedia

Question: Is it true that foods can affect your mood? What are they? Do I have to stop eating my favorite foods completely?

Answer: You’ve probably heard the saying, “You are what you eat.” Not only can foods affect your physical health, they can affect your mental health. If you’ve been feeling depleted, lethargic, or cranky, the foods you eat could be affecting you. How many cups of coffee do you have each day? How much alcohol do you drink? The answer to ‘why’ you feel the way you feel is in your pantry, refrigerator, and cupboards. It may be time to clean them out.

3 Foods That Can Affect Your Moods

1. Caffeine. Have you ever heard the saying, “Too much of a good thing.” Too much caffeine can make you feel jittery and out-of-balance. If you drink tons of pop (or soda), energy drinks, or coffee each day, it will definitely affect your mood. What happens when you crash? It’s not a good feeling. If you can’t go cold turkey or believe you need a little bit of caffeine, take baby steps to ‘wean’ yourself off of caffeine.

2. Not-so-smart carbs. Choose whole grains, legumes, fruits, and veggies, over white pastas, candy, pop (soda), pastries and desserts, and sugar. Sometimes potatoes get a bad rap — use your own judgment.

Remember that old saying about food, “Everything in moderation.”

3. Alcohol. This one usually gets people into trouble in more ways than one. Have you ever experienced an ‘all nighter or bender?’ How did you feel afterwards? You probably didn’t feel well. In fact, you may have spent the night in the bathroom.

Alcohol can be dangerous on many levels. It lowers our inhibitions and you may end up doing something you wish you never did. You could say things you never meant to say. Remember this the next time you go out with friends, attend a wedding or anniversary, company event, etc.

Do your best to choose the ‘right’ foods for you and your body. You may consider a detox or cleanse which cleans out the toxins from your body and mind. Before you embark on detoxing your body, check with your doctor. Not all cleansers and detoxes are the same. You don’t want to do anything that will interfere with any medications you take.

Change your eating habits, change your life!


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